Friday, April 29, 2011

Antara Dua

Sometimes, we have to choose, between the good and the bad.

But, do we really know which one is the good and which one is the bad? It is difficult right?

And it's gonna be too difficult when you have to make a decision, and that decision will affect your entire life.

OMG. Can you imagine if that decision you've made, is actually giving the bad impact to your life?

Kalau nak jawab soalan exam, kena pilih jawapan dalam soalan objective tu, yang tu lain la ceritanya.

Contoh decisions yang selalu kita kena buat:

1. nak tukar kampus ke tak?
2. nak go on with the course yang dah dapat ni ke tak?
3. nak tukar bf/gf ke tak? (jeng jeng jeng, hahaha)
4. nak ikut mak atau ayah? 
5. nak ikut kawan A ke nak ikut kawan B? 

and yang sewaktu dengannya lah. :)

So, we need to use the critical thinking skills. (ape aku merepek ni? )

tak merepek la. ni lebih kurang thinking about thinking la. We have to consider the good and the bad about the decision that we have to make.

Kenapa tiba2 aku merepek pasal decision making ni? haaa, sebab aku memang orang yang paling pandai buat decision. And aku tak suka orang decide untuk aku. Aku sangat suka buat decision sendiri, and leaving all the very important people including my own family members bila nak buat decision. Aku register UiTM pun senyap2 je. All the courses that i've chose pun pilih sendiri. And at last bila dah dapat result, mula la kena bebel dengan dorang.

Aku memang pandai make decision, and at last, decision tu yang affecting aku badly. =='

So, lepas ni, tak boleh la nak main lepas tangan lagi bila nak buat keputusan. THIS IS SERIOUS ! bak kata Aina Mardiah (budak bilik depan saya) haha :P



  1. jgn membelkng kan family after this kalo nk wat any decision k..
    dorang important kowt..
    have a nice day~
