Friday, March 30, 2012

Susah susah

It’s hard to forget someone who you have imagined spending forever with.



Thank you.

Nak belajar masak because of a person

Assalamualaikum people :)

Alright peeps, to be honest aku memang tak pandai masak. Setakat maggi, telur goreng, air, and goreng2 instant food tu aku boleh2 lah.  So memandangkan cuti semester ni adalah dalam 2 bulan lebih, so tak salah kan aku nak belajar masak. And and, my mum was the one yang offer nak ajar aku. My mum was saying that, "how are you going to treat your future husband nicely if you don't even know how to cook? Almost all men nak makan hasil air tangan isteri sendiri". And i was like, oh okay lah mak, i'll learn how to cook from ya. hehe

so for a start, my mom thought me on how to prepare "sayur labu air". Man, nampak simple tapi banyak jugak la steps dia. So as the result of my excitement untuk memasak, aku terus snap a picture of the sayur labu air. Wanna see it? Kejap eh.

Sayur labu Air

Yea, Insyaallah i will learn some others from my mom. Happy reading lah ye blog simple ni. Gracias :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Anniversary :)

28th March 2011 - 28th March 2012

A relationship that started with Hi and Hello, and end with Goodbye,

A relationship that started as friend, and end as friend,
Cool isn't it? No it isn't =='


Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Beautiful Doa. Insyaallah.

I know you are there Allah. I know you see my tears. I know you hear my prayers. I know you are testing me. And all I ask from you is to strengthen my Imaan so I can handle the struggles in life and have patience. I love you my Lord. My Allah. Please keep me safe. Ameen.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tell Me I Don't Deserve It

He don't introduce me to his friends,
Yet he let his friends to make fun of me,
Tell me i don't deserve him,
I will step back.

I really want to listen for his sweet talks,
Yet he's selfish enough to not care bout what i felt.

It's like seriously,
this matter is not ma fault,
it's him. Why?

Because he's the one who started this on and now,
he's not sure whether he can finish it till the end or not.

and again, tell me, say that i don't deserve him,
I swear i'll back off, i'll quit.

Farha Razak, March 2012.