Chinese New Year? Yeah! Cuti! Even setakat 4 hari ja aku still suka. Sebab aku sangat malas bila kena attend kelas. Tapi tu dah memang kewajipan sebagai seorang pelajar kan. So kena terima jelah. So, on this coming holiday, I'll go back to my sister's house. One of my roommate pun ikut sekali. And the best part is, my mother and my siblings are also coming to my sister's house. Yes, even aku tak balik Penang pun, I'll still got to see them. But, aku tak rasa aku akan melepak saja sebab ada banyak kerja kena settle. Boleh ja kalau taknak buat lagi all those assignments, tapi pandai2 faham sendiri lah. Aku jugak yang akan merana kalau tak start early. So, I have listed down all the things need to be done during this short break. Let's have a look :D
p/s: Screen Capture.
Ni belum detail lagi. haha. There's still a lot of works, tapi baik aku settle yang ni dulu. kan? Hehe, thank you.
Alhamdulillah. Baru lepas settle Quiz 2 Economy pagi tadi. And i thought i can't really do it when it comes to Chapter 6. Remember my previous post? Yeah, memang, boleh buat sebenarnya if aku terus berusaha. What happens if aku langsung tak put any effort? For sure aku tak boleh buat. And now, I'm in love with Chapter 6 Economy. Haha. Macam funny pulak. Whatever it is, the main point here is doing something without any effort is like putting yourself into a Klang valley. Sebab aku akan rasa macam mensia-siakan diri aku sendiri yang attend every class (2 hari je ponteng setakat ni,:P)selama ni, tapi still tak boleh buat. So, aku sangat2 bersyukur, even tu baru kejayaan kecil aku, aku tetap rasa sangat bersyukur because without keizinan Allah SWT, I won't be able to do it, and I won't be able to get those successes until now. :)
No no no ! I just don't know what's wrong with my head. Ataupun aku yang terlalu bodoh kurang pandai untuk faham benda yang simple? Yaww Economy, benda alah ni buat aku serabut. Next Tuesday will be having quiz 2 on Chapter 6. Macam takde dah chapter lain Sir ni nak pilih. I can feel that i'll get frustrated later after this. I hate this stupid feeling. I even feel more stupid bila study pun still tak paham. Taknak la camni. :(