Friday, April 29, 2011

be Careful Girls !

haaaaa, aku sebenarnya tak nak tulis pasal2 cinta2 ni. Tapi kali ni, i just need to say something about love. Kepada yang ada couple sekarang, especially all the girls out there, do you 100% believe in your relationship, i mean your teman hidup yang berjanji sehidup semati tu? Kalau yang 100% tu bagus lah eh. Keep it up.

Sebenarnya aku nak cerita sikit, bukan pasal bf/gf korang. Tapi pasal attitude, err a guy :) This guy ni boyfriend roommate aku sebenarnya. Dia ni memang dikategorikan sebagai almost perfect la gak.

He used to have a girlfriend when he was in secondary school. her name is Nadia. By the way, roommate aku pun nama Nadia =='. What a coincidence. Maybe dia nak cari girl yang sebijik macam ex dia la kot kan. Muka pun dah lebih kurang sama. This guy memang bertahun jugak la in a relationship with his ex. Diorang putus pun sebab that girl ade lelaki lain. And logic la kan diorang break.

Mula2 macam ni, relationship between roommate aku dengan bf dia ni bermula macam ni. At first, this guy ternampak roommate aku ni kat somewhere ni lah. Then kononnya tiba2 dia jatuh hati pulak. And nak dipendekkan cerita, my roommate ni pun have the same feeling towards him. But, that is not the problem i wanna talk about.

Masalah problemnya sekarang ni, this guy dah kata, yang dia dah totally forget about his ex-girl, and wouldn't think or find for her anymore. Baguslah kan macam ni. Tapiiiiii, he's acting like a shit. Nak tahu dia buat apa? Yeah, he's finding for his ex back. Kasihan deh roommate aku tu, asyik menangis tak henti. Dah la esok paper last =='

Nak tahu tak macam mana roommate aku tu dapat tahu? haa, Tuhan dah bagi petunjuk kat dia lah tu. Tu la, lain kali, jangan terlampau sayang sangat, sebab, sebab apa ek? sebab at last kita yang akan sakit hati. That guy memang freak sangat2. My roommate ni dapat tahu from facebook. Macam my BF selalu cakap, facebook ni boleh merosakkan rumah tangga orang. Memang pun. Tapi bila fikir2 balik, bagus jugak kan sebab we could know something that is unexpected. Password tu lain kali simpan sendiri, jangan bagitahu orang lain k :)

Okay, meh sini aku nak buat sikit ala2 science punya experiment report based on this story :)

Aim : To investigate the relationship between a true and a fake love.

Problem statement : Why this guy is acting like 'waterpark'?

Inference : Maybe he found that my roommate doesn't suit him fixly. (hahaha)

Hypothesis : The higher the rate of love you are giving to your couple, the higher the rate of hurt that you will get back when you know the truth.

Conclusion : Treat people as how you wanna be treated ( sebab korang mesti taknak bf/gf korang tipu korang kan?) Kalau ade someone else pun, just tell the truth, it's better) :)


Antara Dua

Sometimes, we have to choose, between the good and the bad.

But, do we really know which one is the good and which one is the bad? It is difficult right?

And it's gonna be too difficult when you have to make a decision, and that decision will affect your entire life.

OMG. Can you imagine if that decision you've made, is actually giving the bad impact to your life?

Kalau nak jawab soalan exam, kena pilih jawapan dalam soalan objective tu, yang tu lain la ceritanya.

Contoh decisions yang selalu kita kena buat:

1. nak tukar kampus ke tak?
2. nak go on with the course yang dah dapat ni ke tak?
3. nak tukar bf/gf ke tak? (jeng jeng jeng, hahaha)
4. nak ikut mak atau ayah? 
5. nak ikut kawan A ke nak ikut kawan B? 

and yang sewaktu dengannya lah. :)

So, we need to use the critical thinking skills. (ape aku merepek ni? )

tak merepek la. ni lebih kurang thinking about thinking la. We have to consider the good and the bad about the decision that we have to make.

Kenapa tiba2 aku merepek pasal decision making ni? haaa, sebab aku memang orang yang paling pandai buat decision. And aku tak suka orang decide untuk aku. Aku sangat suka buat decision sendiri, and leaving all the very important people including my own family members bila nak buat decision. Aku register UiTM pun senyap2 je. All the courses that i've chose pun pilih sendiri. And at last bila dah dapat result, mula la kena bebel dengan dorang.

Aku memang pandai make decision, and at last, decision tu yang affecting aku badly. =='

So, lepas ni, tak boleh la nak main lepas tangan lagi bila nak buat keputusan. THIS IS SERIOUS ! bak kata Aina Mardiah (budak bilik depan saya) haha :P


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nak Balik Dah !

Yes ! 4 final papers dah lepas !

Tinggal lagi the last and the only one paper on this coming Saturday. 2:15 p.m. until 4.15 p.m.

That is BBM110. Hah? Subject apa ni?
Ni subject Malay Language in Office Management la sayang.

 ni ha BM passed past-sem punye final paper :)

Susah tak? Ke senang je?
Hm, entah la. Hanya budak Office Mgt. jelah yang memahaminya :P

Okay, back to the main idea. Actually, aku ni dah tersangat excited nak balik rumah.

3 more days to go !

Rumah kat mana?

Hee, kat Bayan Lepas Penang lah. Kat mana lagi kan? :)

Students lain semua parents datang jemput tau. Aku? huhu :'(

Hang awat nak touching tiba tiba?

Tanya lagi ! Aku touching sebab aku dengan member member senasib dengan aku yang from Penang kena balik naik Jengka Liner.

Jengka Liner tu apa?

Kitorang naik bas untuk pulang ke rumah masing masing. Berdikari kan?

Kalau la rumah aku dekat, dah lama aku minta parents jemput. Tapi, sekarang duduk jauh, takkan la aku sampai hati nak menyusahkan parents aku. No no no. I am not that type :)

So, i'm using this alternative, here it is, Jengka Liner !

Travel service: Jengka Liner
Departure date & time: 30th April, 6:30 p.m. (Lepas habis jawab exam, terus blah, hehe)
Depart from Bandar Pusat Jengka - Butterworth

Kata duduk Bayan Lepas, tapi awat hang drop kat Butterworth? =='

Yelah, dah bas ni tak hantar sampai Bayan Lepas. Dia sudi hantar sampai Butterworth ja. nak buat macam mana.

So, my parents will have to pick me up at Butterworth station. Kira macam aku still akan sampai kat depan pintu rumah nanti dengan parents aku la. :)

Jap jap jap, how long does it take from Jengka to Penang?

Haha, terbaekk punya soalan. 10 jam babe! Lama tak lama la kan. Balik nak kena balik jugak. Takkan nak duduk kat Jengka ni lama2. = ='

My feelinggggggssss ~

Memang la happy sebab boleh balik jumpa orang orang and orang tersayang. Tapi, kat Jengka ni pun still ada orang tersayang jugakkk. :'(


Ade laaa. tapi yang pastinya roommates aku yang memang sempoi belaka. Anna dengan Nadd. Korang, saya sayang korang tau. Nak tau sebab ape? sebab saya nak sayang lah. Awak berdua ni caring sangat. Thanks tau ! Love K214 !

By the way, this semester break tak lama pun. tak sampai sebulan. Tapi takpe, cepat sikit graduate nanti.

30th May 2011 nanti dah mula kuliah untuk semester 3. Semester 2 agak2 boleh dekan ke? haha, tak tahu lah. Tawakal jelah. :P

Okay, so anyway, aku harap aku and the geng semua selamat sampai ke rumah masing2. Insyaallah. Amin :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Expressing The Feel.

Don't tackle a girl at first,
If you know that you can't maintain the interest on her for such a long term.

Don't give her fake hope,
Otherwise  she will be sitting alone and crying just because of you.

Don't make her believe that you will be by her side always,
Otherwise she will be living her life with a broken heart.

Don't tell her that you love her,
If your attitude didn't show any proof.

Tell the truth,
She will understand, take care.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mood Oh Mood

Why, tiba2 mood nak study hilang entah ke mana.

Tolong boleh? Bagi kejap korang punya mood tu aku nak pinjam.

Roommates aku senang2 je dah khatam satu buku Business tu. aku? haih

Lepas Asar ni kot baru mood nak datang. =='

Tinggal lagi sehari before the Business Exam.

FARHA ! Cepat arrrrrrr. awat dengan hang ni? Cepatt, tak payah tunggu mood tu okay.

by hook or by crook, kau kena study jugak. okay? haih.

yang si Anna dari pagi tadi lagi kat library.

dia tak letih ke? semangat kan dia? :P

si Nadd pulak selamba ja study atas katil, siap boleh buat nota lagi, terror betul.

Farha oh Farha, takkan kau nak roommates kau yang tolong studykan untuk kau?

kalau benda lain boleh la diorang nak tolong.

ade 6 chapter je, kau bace slide, habis ar nanti, k? :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Just Smile :)

Smile, simpe je kan untuk senyum? senang nak senyum melainkan hati anda tidak ikhlas untuk senyum, and at last senyuman itu akan berubah menjadi senyum yang dibuat2. memang nampak sangat tak ikhlas. this affecting others tau.

Let me tell you this, a sincere smile can win many hearts. Even dengan orang yang kita tak pernah bertegur, we can just simply make him or her as your friend by smiling at them. bukan susah sangat. A single smile can act as a soothing agent to others. Smile can make others feel calmer, less anxious and release. the most major thing is, senyum itu adalah sedekah. bila dah sedekah, kita dapat pahala kan? :)

A smile can make someone looks more attractive. Senyuman boleh membuatkan diri seseorang itu yakin, and making others to smile with you. tak percaya? cuba buat. kalau satu hari anda passing by anyone yang asyik masam je muka dia, just try to smile at them, look, they will definitely smile at you back. kan?

Smile, to express amusement, the feeling when you are thinking is funny, expressing pleasure, a moderate joy, kindness, by using your features of your face, yelah, takkan nak smile guna kaki pulak kan? or in the other word, by smiling, actually you are laughing silently. :)

So, senyum lah ye :)


Sharing Is Caring !

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ChurpChurp ! haha. bunyi cam best ja. saja la tadi asyik godek2 application2 yang ada kat sini. tiba2 terkuar benda alah ni. saja la gatal tangan nak klik. hehe :P

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Preparing For The Final Exam

The final examination is just around the corner. 
Bagi student2 UiTM Jengka, 
mostly semua start on 20th April and habis 30th April.
On this second semester, i kena seat for 5 papers 
in the final exam. 
  1. Business (OMT115)
  2. Islam Edu (CTU151)
  3. English (BEL260)
  4. Office Administration II (OMT182)
  5. Malay Language in Office Mgt. (BBM110)

    Nasib baik la co-curriculum takde final exam. 
    Kalau tidak lagi serabut. perlu tak nak buat study planning? 
    Mesti lah perlu kan. tapi, masalahnya bila i buat, 
    memang tak pernahnya nak follow. 
    Kadang2 rasa buang masa ja bila buat tapi tak ikut.
    Lemah sikit la bila ada subject2 menghafal ni. 
    Bukan apa, malas nak mengingat ja. hehe
     apa2 pun, good luck untuk semua yang bakal
    menduduki final exam nanti kay. :)


    Careless Mistakes !

    Cik Farha Abdul Razak ni memang selalu buat CARELESS MISTAKES !

    Dalam exam, kita as a student mesti ada yang selalu buat careless mistakes kan? Contoh? tak payah cari jauh2, depan mata dah ada, ni ha Farha ni. Memang selalu sangat dah. Dalam exam ke apa ke, mesti ada ja yang careless. Kadang2, tertekan dengan diri sendiri. Kenapa la dengan diri aku ni kan?

    By the way, here are some tips on how we can overcome this stupid careless mistake during exam. Bukan ape, dah teruk sangat tahap careless i ni, tu yang mencari2 tips about this and just wanna share some of it with y'all. Tahu tak, sangat rugi bila kita terbuat careless mistakes, tambah2 untuk kerja ataupun apa2 yang sangat penting. Can u just imagine that ? OMG.

    1. Focus on taking the exam. Stay focus okay ! Hari exam memang sangat letih dan tertekan, even kita dah betul2 habis study on that subject, kerisauan kita apabila hendak menjawab tu memang sangat meletihkan sebab otak apabila mula berfikir, ia memerlukan tenaga yang banyak. Baca soalan thoroughly, relax, jangan gelabah.

    2. Remember the test questions strategies that you had observed and used during your study practicing. Before exam, tengok2 la format2 kertas soalan tu, jangan nak main redah je dalam dewan exam tu, nanti menangis tak berlagu. by doing this, at least kita dapat kenalpasti format2 dan jenis2 soalan yang akan ditanya. takde la kita ter-study benda yang memang confirm2 takkan ditanya dalam exam tu. be smart okay. at least kita dah dapat preview tentang bentuk soalan2 and kurang lah sikit tahap nervous kita tu if dah tahu kan.

    3. Eliminate the time sucking questions. Kalau dah tahu memang tak tahu any information about the question, or in the other word, tak tahu langsung benda alah apa la yang soalan tu merepek kan, tak payah la nak buang masa fikir pasal soalan tu. dah terang lagi bersuluh memang takkan boleh jawab, tapi kalau betul2 nak jugak jawab sebab maybe pernah study on that, takpe, just save that for the last. this would create a big difference better than buang masa kat situ and soalan yang kita boleh jawab dengan baik tertinggal sebab kesuntukan masa. taknak la kan camtu.


    Tangguh La Lagi Kerja Tu !

    Hari Khamis, hari tu malam Jumaat, dengan assignment Office Admin tak siap lagi,  my group kena la siapkan sampai habis jugak no matter what happen. Actually my work was done, but group members busy dengan kerja laen tu yg kena tolong menolong kan. Friday tu ada test Office Admin dengan presentation Business bagai tu. agak tertekan la jugak. nasib baik betul sebab slide presentation tu i dah siapkan awal2, kalau tidak memang kelam kabut la lagi jadinya. haih. remember, procrastination has no goods at all.

    lepas2 dah siap semua kerja, tengok2 jam dah 2am. what the fish betul la. nak study untuk test esok tu memang dah tak larat dah. alih2 tertidur terus. konon nak bangun pukul 4am. haha. tahu tak, tak sangka pukul 4am tu bertukar jadi 6.59am. buka2 mata ja, tanya roommate, "nadia, sekarang pukul berapa" haha. memang gelabah sangat la time tu. test at 8am. memang kelam kabut la bersiap then sempat la baca2 sikit untuk test tue.

    okay, sampai kelas pukul 8.10am. Okay la tu kan. dah tak boleh nak rushing sangat lah, kang jatuh tergolek depan kolej siswa tu lagi susah kan. baik i jalan elok2 but still increasing the speed la kan. dalam kelas sempat lagi nak belek2 nota. memang time tu pasrah sangat2 dah. hehe. takpela, nak buat macam mana kan. Last paper dah pun. struggle untuk final jelah nanti ye Cik Farha. :)


    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    Perihal Gadis Dekan

    Hello there. Here i am, with just a short story from me. 

    Malam ni UiTM Jengka ade organize satu dinner event untuk rakan2 yang their names are listed in the Dean’s List. Best la kan. I tumpang happy untuk member2 I even I don’t have the chance to be with them.  Yelah kan, pointer tak sampai 3.5 macam mane nak DL. 3.44 je pun. Takpe. Takde rezeki nak buat macam mana kan. Budak baik la katakan. Eh alamak, berperasaan la pulak. :P

    Okay let’s proceed to our DL Students for the November 2010 session.  Best lah korang kan. Bukan main lagi berhias diorang ni. Jealous la pulak. Nak pegi kelas pun tak senang hati sebab asyik tengok dorang ni bersiap.  Saje nak tolong2 diorang ni make over sikit2. Tapi tak la sehebat jurumekap2 yang selalu mekapkan pengantin, artis and all that. Kebetulan pulak tonight ade kelas BEL. Dengan mandi tak lagi, tapi boleh pulak nak pegi menyibuk kat dorang. Siap dah plan tak nak pegi lagi. Tapi teringat pulak muka Mr. Krishna and his warning, I've tried to be present to his class. Haih. Eh, cerita pasal rakan2 I yang dapat DL ni kan, ha bak sini I nak pamerkan muka minah2 dekan kita ni. Congratulations okay. I am happy for you guys. (Jangan marah ye cik kak cik kak sekalian, peace !)

     *Ha ni Cik Adik Dekan kita ! Peace~
       Ha tengok budak baju hijau tu, gaya je lebih, tak hebat mana pun. huahuahua. sabar jelah cik adik yang 
      dimekap tu ye.

    * Take a look at both of them ! Isn't they're having a great looking ? suka sangat this pic. :P Style lah der !

    * My Besties ! Terjumpa dalam UiTM Jengka masa orientasi. hehe. (marah kang kalau dia baca ni) See her   dress, simple but it still cantik kan. u're looking so feminine la miss. teringin pulak nak try pakai macam gini. hehehe.

     * Ni la saguhati yang diorang dapat. sangat cantik. transparent looking. TENGAH CEMBURU SANGAT DAH NI. huhu.

    Apa apa pun la kan, congratulations to all DL for November 2010 session. Good Luck in your coming final exam that is just around the corner.

    p/s : tu la, rajin sangat, tu yang tak DL. hehe. :P

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    My First Business Proposal Assignment on Pastries Business !

              Our Company SAFA Home Made Bakery Enterprise is about to run a business on pastry. Pastry is about going to be our main products in our business.  Pastry is a dough-like or paste consisting primarily of flour, water, and shortening that is baked an often used as a crust for foods. Our company is very determined on running a business on pastry production. This kind of food is suitable for all types of customers. Our company is also providing many type of pastry to attract our customers.  This is because most of our customers are children and teenagers. There are various types of pastry that we are going to make it as a good business for our customers. Our main pastry is cake. For your information, we are not only baking cakes, but we are also producing muffins, puffs, donuts, breads, pizzas, cookies and sandwiches. Our pastries can be found in a variety of sizes and weighs.

              We are about to produce new flavors of cakes and muffins which are not yet produced. As we all know, the common flavors in the market nowadays are chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. To add colors to our business and to attract customers to have a visit in our company, we are glad to introduce some new flavors in our pastry production. Flavors like blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, green apple, cream and carrot will be introduced on the opening ceremony of our company. 

            Our company is differs from the other pastry production company by our ingredients in our pastry.  We are going to introduce a new ingredient that we are using in our pastry. We will make it specific and specially made for our customers who are having diabetes.  This new ingredient usage will be a healthy-liked food for the patients. In the new ingredient,we will lessen the usage of sugar and cholesterol. We are making this differentiation so that we can attract other people to have a try on our new tasted pastry. As we all know, common pastry bakeries nowadays does not have this type of pastry taste. So, we are creating this difference from the other company to show how our company differs from them. 

            Our pastries are also differs from the other company because we will introduce a special taste for different races.  As we all know, in Malaysia we are having three different races that are Malay, Chinese and Indian.   

        All these three types of races are having different kind of taste desires. To add colors to our company, we are going to make a differentiation on our ingredients usage. In addition, this will probably be a good strategy to attract all the customers. 

           Cake is the main product in our company. Cake is a combination of some kind of flour, a sweetening agent that is sugar and using egg for binding agent. Butter or margarine is often used as a fat in cake. Therefore, our company will introduce a new recipe on our cake production that is low-fat cake. We will lessen the usage of margarine and butter to fix the customer needs. This new recipe cake will taste exactly the same as usual but it will not contain plenty of fats. Thus, those customers who are having problem with the condition of their health, they can still enjoy our food either.

            Besides that, we are having some different names on our pastries products.  We are hoping that this will attract all the people out there and showing some uniqueness kind of pastries produce by our company. 

    Our menu of pastries :
    • Cheese Cake
    • Carrot frosting Cake
    • Chocolate Cake
    • Blueberry Cake
    • Raspberry Cake
    • Blueberry Cake
    • Blackberry Cake
    • Green apple Cake

    • Black Chocolate Muffin
    • Green Apple Frosted with Cream Muffin
    • Raisin Muffin
    • Chocolate Chip Muffin 
    • Banana Muffin

    • Gouda Apple Puff
    • Tomato Jewels Puff
    • Inside-out Caramel Puff
    • Spinach Cheese Puff
    • Asparagus Spiral Puff

    Breads – we are going to introduce bread with low contain of calories
    • Wheat Flour White Bread (high fiber and containing just 65-80 calories.
    • Mixed Grain Bread (made from a combination of flour)
    • Sourdough Raspberry Bread ( sour taste )
    • Chinese Steam Bread
    • Breadstix  Bread ( plain, sesame seed, garlic, onion, herbs )

    • Pepperoni Pizza
    • Chocolate Grated Pizza
    • Butter Bean Pizza
    • Chicken Tattrazini Pizza
    • Spicy Taco Pizza

    • Blackberry Eggless Cookies
    • Raspberry Springerle Cookies
    • Walnut Whole Wheat Cookies
    • Cinnamon Coated Cookies
    • Peppermint Cookies

    • Chip Butty Carrot Sandwich
    • Cuban Thin Sandwich
    • Grilled Cheese Sandwich 
    • Peanut  Butter and Jelly Sandwich 
    • Reuben  Blueberry Sandwich

            In order to serve our pastries attractively, we are planning to ensure that we have a great decorative on our cakes, muffins, puffs, cookies and sandwiches.  We are using transparent plastic for our packaging on our pastries products.  We are making this because we have to consider the cleanness in our company.  By using this transparent packaging, this will avoid the pastries from any bacteria or microorganisms attacking our products.  In addition, this is to attract our customers’ attention when they are visiting our company. Our customers can see exactly what is in the packaging without having to open the packaging.  For our cakes, it will be scattered with colourful decorative candies over meringue or whipped-cream topping.  Hard candy hearts or gumdrop candies in many shapes will be used to form designs, such as hearts, diamonds, flowers or other objects on the surface of the cakes.  Grated sweet chocolate, chocolate shot, chopped nut meats and white coconut will be scattered on the cakes too.

            Besides that, we had determined some interesting designs for our muffins.  Our muffins will be designed by our own self.  This muffin will have a spiral shape, oval shape and a box shape.  There are no other pastry company who did this kind of shape on their muffins.   This is how we are differentiating our business with the other pastry business company out there.  We are introducing the new design for our muffin that is Oval Ornament with an additional small box shape on top of it.

            Next, turning over to our puff pastries.  Our puff surface will be as smooth as a tissue.  Our customers will enjoy this kind of puff pastries amazingly because this dough of this puff will be made from an expensive butter and this butter is imported from Brazil.  This kind of butter will make the texture of our puff smooth and tasty to be eaten by all types of people.  For our puff designs, we will introduce a combination of shape for our puff pastries.  This combination of shape will give a different shape for our puff pastries and this unique shape will not be found in the other puff pastry company.

            Moving toward our breads, our breads pastries can be found in various tastes.  We can ensure that our bread is delicious to be eaten and usually be served for our customers’ breakfast.  Toasting is our main bread production style. The dough made for our bread will be studded with raisins, blueberries, onions, seeds and herbs.  Herbs are used in our bread production to give more flexible choices to our customers that are having problem with their health conditions. Besides that, we are going to introduce a new look to our bread.  A stick like bread will be introduced in our company.  We will call this kind of bread a breadstix.

            Our pizza dough is handmade.  It made from scratch and it can stay fresh every day.  Our pizza is varied, unique and delicious.  We are using wide variety of vegetables and are hand cut into rings shape and not diced shape.  To contrasts ourselves with the other pastries business out there, we are competing with the other competitors by overwhelming variety of pizzas’ topping choices.

            Our cookies flavours are vary. Some of our flavour specially made for our cookies pastry is chocolate dipped strawberries cookies.  This kind of cookies is dipped into a dark chocolate.  Besides that, we are differentiate our business from others by introducing a new look cookies that is black and white cookies.  This is a combination of vanilla and chocolate flavours.

           Turning over to our sandwiches. Our sandwiches are oven toasted.  In our sandwiches, we are using excessive spinach for our customers who are having problem with their health conditions.  The sandwich size and weight is varies based on our customers’ desires.

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    Business Proposal !

    This is all about assignment.  There are four persons in a group. My group consists of myself and the other three of my classmates.  We have to create a business proposal.  We have chose a pastry business as our business product.  This idea was inspired by one of my group member.  We have divided all the topics or questions need to be covered in this assignment.  I was thinking about to do the marketing segmentation.  But we'd go through the 'undian' and i've got the topic on production.  I need to explain about our business product that is pastry food.  The problem now is, i have no idea about that.  Esok dah nak bincang.  But i am still blur about this. :'(
    I just don't why, this is the first assignment yang tiba2 i jadi blur.  To make an introduction on our product pun i still pening2. haih. I hope that i could complete this on time.  Insyaallah.